

Intimate messaging

Safe, secured and private way for transferring messages.

When you submit a message in Intimatalk, you are required to insert a two parts code. This code will be used as the message identifier.
Only someone who knows this code, can use it to read the message.
Message can be read only once. Once the message was read, it is deleted completly from our databse, leaving no sign it was ever there.
Messages and codes are saved encrypted, meaning that even if our site will be hacked, the messages cannot be decrypted without the original codes.

No trail, No trackback

You do not need to register to in order to write or read messages.
We do not keep personal information about you, or link the message to you in any way.
Messages ore not sent to recipients. If you think there is a message for you, and you have the code, you can insert it and read the message.
To make it even clearer, we do not want to know, and will not allow anyone else to know who you are, what you are writing, and to whom.

Best practices

You and another person want to transfer messages intimately. You need to agree on a code, or a protocol that will be easy to remember but still unique.
You can, for example:

  • Decide that the first part of the code will be a combination of your names and the second part of the code will be some number. You can agree that the name of the person sending the message will be first. This way you will have 2 different codes for 2 way intimate talk.
  • Alternativly, you can have the same first code, but different second code.
  • Decide that for the first part of the code you will copy/paste text from agreed e-book of website, again, you need two codes, for reading and writing.
  • Agree that after every message, the second part of the code (the number) will be increesed by 1. This way, codes are being used only once, which make it even more secure.